Building Momentum

One week ago the new Nevada Grand Officers were installed. A brand new year, brand new offices, responsibilities, experiences… all of this is so exciting. It makes everyone feel energized and ready to take on the world! With this much energy, it’s easy to get started working on some things and you can end up accomplishing more now than you will all year long. That’s called building momentum!

Great leaders know how to take advantage of this momentum. There are a couple of important things to do right now to really build on it and use it to start off a great year.

  1. Write things down. Use the Notes section of your phone, a pretty notebook, scrap paper, napkins, whatever works! Write it down because with all that might be coming to your mind right now, it’s really easy to forget some of your best ideas.
  2. Set some goals. A plan without a goal is just a dream. Decide the who/what/when/where/why right now. You can change those as you need to get things approved or coordinate with other people, but write down the details so they become as “real” and actionable as possible.
  3. Make them SMART goals. All of your goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timed. See this post for more on the topic.
  4. Tell other people, preferably people who will support you and hold you accountable. Don’t just tell your “easiest” friend who won’t give you “side-eye” when you admit you dropped half your ideas after the 1st month in your office. A good friend should always be able to give you a nudge and say “Hey, what happened?You can do it! Go for it!”
  5. Write down a few things that are making 
    Processed with VSCO with a6 presetyou excited right now. Maybe it’s things you love about your office, the work you get to do, people you get to work with, your ritual part, etc. It’s those things that are helping you stay so energized right now and can keep you charging forward. Make sure you don’t forget all that makes you happy in this moment!

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